For every importer, manufacturer, or packer of weighing and measuring products such as weight machines and thermometers, the Department of Legal Metrology mandates businesses to obtain the required registration certificate.
The Legal Metrology Registration services for weights and measures and the legal metrology certificate for products that the public uses to measure weights and other metrology dimensions. Therefore, the following certificates are necessary for you, the applicant businesses:
Before starting any business related to weights and measuring products, the Authority makes it essential to get the approval of the Department of Legal Metrology. The LMD approval hinges on the actual parameters of your weighment product. Therefore, you must comply with the Legal Metrology rules if you want to get the Model Approval licens Text
As per the regulations of Packaged Commodities Rules of 2011, applicants who want to do business in the packaging industry for weighing and measuring products must obtain the required packaging registration.
After getting the model approved, one can import the products. However, the applicant needs to obtain another level of import license that only the Department of Legal Metrology can provide.
Suppose the weights importer imports the instrument, and the dealer sells the instrument with the same name. In such cases, the latter has to obtain the required Dealership License from the LMD (Legal Metrology Department).
Suppose a person or an entity has access to weight and measuring tools for personal uses and consists of transactions or products. In such cases, the product must be stamped by the Legal Metrology department first.
If you are about to start this business , you must meet legal metrology consultants for a great start.