Every Telecom Service Provider in India provides their services only to those sources who have obtained Trusted Telecom Approval from the Central Government. In its latest notification, the Government of India has launched the website trustedtelecom.gov specifically. By launching this Portal, the Government has put forth the NSDTS, i.e., the National Security Directive on Telecommunication Sector. Therefore, as per the NSDTS, the TSPs must obtain the TTA or the Trusted Telecom Approval in Telecom Services before starting their services.
Telecom Portal India maintains a list of Trusted Telecom Vendors in India. Therefore, the Portal can enter the vendor's name and details of the product for which they are seeking the services. Afterwards, the TTP will analyze the submitted details with its trusted vendor's list and products. The TSP can get the requested telecom hardware if the Portal finds a match.Trusted Telecom PortalTrusted Telecom Portal in India is developed by CDT, a government R & D (Research and Development) wing. But the CDT was not solely responsible for the Portal's creation. The TTP's development was a joint effort of the following entities:
Therefore, as a TSP, you must ensure that a trusted source designs your telecom devices before you put them to use.
There are two ways in which a TTV can be added to the trusted list of products and vendors on the Trusted Portal:
Telephone Service Providers
If the entered details by the Telephone Service Providers for a new vendor don't match with any of the existing trusted products, then the TSP can request the Trusted Portal to add the vendor and/or the product to the list. The Portal will then approve the TSP's request after thoroughly assessing the vendor and the source.
Trusted Vendor
The vendor himself can also apply for an addition to the Telecom Trusted Portal. A hardware device vendor in the telecommunication industry can apply for the addition to the trusted vendors' list. Likewise, the examiner will give you access to the Portal. Then you can log in and file the application for the trusted list addition.
The vendor must submit the following documents with the application for list addition:
Trusted Sources for Trusted Telecom Approval
In the current scenario, no plan has been undertaken to replace the list of trusted sources and products. Therefore, if, as a TSP, you want to induct your hardware into the network from trusted resources, then you don't need to do anything with the NSDTS portal.
To stay in business as a TSP, i.e., Telecom Service Provider, you must purchase your hardware devices only from a trusted source. One can understand that a trusted source is a source that a government trusts. Therefore, the TSP must decide only after assessing a vendor and their products carefully. For more updates about the Trusted Telecom Portal , connect with Registrationwala